Everything Sensored

ABOUTIn keeping with the Linked Solutioning theme of our Partnership Model, we plan to enhance our solutions, products and services by embedding electronic componentry provided by the key players in IoT and smart PCB technologies.

This article relates to our foray into electronic componentry to add smart and connected features into our ecosystem and products alike, by providing a basis for sensor-based perception, managing its streams on the edge, trans ponding it to Big Data repositories and building an actionable analysis for forecasting and prediction.

Most of the introductory elements are references got from ChatGPT with additional details that provide our take into this interesting domain of connectedness that will firm up the basis of our theme Everything Connected.

In this article, we emphasize the importance of sensor-based perception and data engineering in the context of building a smart and connected ecosystem. The Connect-Detect-Protect theme highlights the importance of connecting devices, detecting events through sensor data, and protecting against potential risks. By leveraging IIoT and IoT technologies, industries can achieve greater efficiencies and cost savings through predictive maintenance, which relies on the analysis of sensor data and the use of AI/ML algorithms to forecast and predict future events. Ultimately, the article underscores the critical role of electronic componentry in enabling this connected and intelligent ecosystem.



Here are some general steps to integrate with IoT sensors in a shop floor environment:

  • Identify the sensors: First, identify the IoT sensors that you want to integrate with. For example, you may want to use sensors that detect temperature, humidity, or noise levels in the shop floor. You may also want to use sensors that detect the presence of people or objects.
  • Connect the sensors to an IoT platform: Next, connect the sensors to an IoT platform that can receive and process data from the sensors. There are many IoT platforms available, such as AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, and Google Cloud IoT. Choose a platform that best suits your needs.
  • Develop the software: Develop the software that will run on the sensor platform to receive data from the IoT platform and process it.
  • Integrate the sensors: Integrate the sensors using the SDK. The SDK provides libraries that you can use to interact with the sensors and the IoT platform.
  • Test and refine the system: Finally, test the integrated system in a shop floor environment and refine it as needed. You may need to adjust the placement of the sensors or the parameters of the software to optimize the system’s performance.

For and industrial setting, It’s important to note that implementing such a system may require expertise in both hardware and software development, as well as a thorough understanding of the shop floor environment and the specific needs of the industrial helmets.


Here are a few additional considerations to keep in mind as you embark on your journey of electronic “breadboarding”:

  1. Standardization: It’s important to select electronic components that are standardized and widely used, as this will make it easier to source and replace components in the future. It will also make it easier to integrate components from different manufacturers.
  2. Scalability: As your factory grows and expands, it’s important to ensure that the electronic componentry can scale with it. This includes selecting components that are modular and can be easily added or removed, and components that are flexible enough to adapt to changing needs.
  3. Security: With the increasing connectivity of industrial systems, it’s important to ensure that the electronic componentry is secure and can withstand cyber attacks. This includes selecting components that have built-in security features, such as encryption and authentication protocols.
  4. Testing: Before integrating electronic componentry into your factory, it’s important to thoroughly test the components to ensure that they meet the required specifications and are compatible with the existing infrastructure. This includes testing for reliability, performance, and compatibility.

Overall, selecting and integrating electronic componentry for embedded systems can be a complex process, but with careful planning and consideration, you can create a reliable, efficient, and secure system for your Proto Factory.


There are many different types of sensors, but they can generally be classified into the following categories based on the type of information they detect:

  1. Optical sensors: These sensors detect light or other electromagnetic radiation. Examples include cameras, photodiodes, and infrared sensors.
  2. Temperature sensors: These sensors detect changes in temperature. Examples include thermistors, thermocouples, and infrared temperature sensors.
  3. Pressure sensors: These sensors detect changes in pressure. Examples include piezoelectric sensors, strain gauges, and barometers.
  4. Position and motion sensors: These sensors detect changes in position or movement. Examples include accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetic sensors.
  5. Chemical and biological sensors: These sensors detect the presence or concentration of specific chemicals or biological compounds. Examples include gas sensors, pH sensors, and biosensors.

The way these sensors relate to human perception is that they are designed to detect and measure physical phenomena that humans can perceive through their senses. For example, optical sensors detect light, which is something humans can see, while temperature sensors detect changes in temperature, which humans can feel. By using sensors to measure these physical phenomena, we can create systems and devices that are more responsive to the needs and experiences of humans.


Making sense of the different sensors that are available can be a daunting task, as there are many different types of sensors with various specifications and applications. However, here are a few general tips that may help you navigate the landscape of available sensors:

  1. Identify your needs: Before you start looking for sensors, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you need them for. This includes the type of data you want to collect, the conditions in which you will be collecting the data, and the level of accuracy you require.
  2. Research different types of sensors: Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can start researching the different types of sensors that are available. Some common categories of sensors include environmental sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), motion sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes), and biometric sensors (heart rate monitors, fingerprint sensors). There are many resources available online that can help you learn about different types of sensors and their applications.
  3. Consider the sensor specifications: When evaluating different sensors, it’s important to consider the specifications of each sensor. This includes things like the range, sensitivity, accuracy, and power requirements of the sensor. It’s also important to consider the form factor of the sensor, as this can affect how easily it can be integrated into your solution.
  4. Look for sensor evaluation kits: Many sensor manufacturers offer evaluation kits that include sample sensors, software, and documentation to help you evaluate the sensor and determine if it meets your needs. These kits can be a useful way to test out different sensors before committing to a specific model.
  5. Consult with experts: If you are unsure about which sensors to use, it may be helpful to consult with experts in the field. This could include electronics engineers, sensor manufacturers, or other professionals with experience in sensor selection and integration.

Overall, selecting the right sensor for your needs requires careful consideration of your requirements, research into different sensor types and specifications, and possibly consultation with experts in the field.


Smart monitoring is the judicious use of the different sensors to collect data using edge devices in a strategic and efficient manner. The sensors used for smart monitoring can vary depending on the application, but some common types include temperature sensors, humidity sensors, pressure sensors, proximity sensors, and motion sensors.

The data collected by these sensors can be analyzed in real-time or stored for later analysis using big data analytics and machine learning algorithms. By analyzing the data, patterns and trends can be identified, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to prevent issues or optimize processes.

Smart monitoring can be used in various industries and applications, such as monitoring equipment in manufacturing plants, tracking inventory in retail environments, monitoring traffic patterns in smart cities, and monitoring patients in healthcare settings.

In relation to human perception, smart monitoring can provide insights into the environment and conditions around us that are not immediately perceptible to our senses. For example, air quality sensors can detect pollutants in the air that are not visible or noticeable by smell, providing information on potential health hazards. Similarly, temperature and humidity sensors can provide insights into the comfort levels of a room or building that may not be immediately perceptible to individuals.


Edge devices are electronic devices that are located close to the data source, at the edge of the network. They are designed to process and analyze data locally, rather than sending it all the way to the cloud or a central server for processing. Edge devices can include sensors, but they can also include other types of devices, such as gateways, routers, and servers.

In the context of sensors, edge devices are often used to collect and process data from sensors. For example, in an IoT system, sensors may be connected to an edge device, such as a microcontroller or a single-board computer like a Raspberry Pi. The edge device would then process the data from the sensors, and potentially perform some analysis on the data, before sending it to the cloud or a central server.

Edge devices are important because they can help to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network, and can also help to reduce latency and improve response times. By processing data locally, edge devices can also help to address privacy and security concerns, as sensitive data can be processed and analyzed locally rather than being sent to a remote server.

When selecting sensors for an IoT system, it’s important to consider the types of edge devices that will be used to process and analyze the data. The sensors should be compatible with the edge devices and should be able to provide the necessary data for analysis.


IoT (Internet of Things) refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity that allow them to collect and exchange data. IoT technology is used in a wide range of applications, from smart homes to wearable technology.

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is a subset of IoT that specifically focuses on the use of IoT technology in industrial applications, such as manufacturing, logistics, and energy management. IIoT can enable more efficient and automated processes, real-time data monitoring and analysis, and predictive maintenance in industrial settings.

Industry 4.0 is a term used to describe the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the integration of digital technologies and the Internet of Things into manufacturing processes. Industry 4.0 encompasses a range of technologies and concepts, including IIoT, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and cyber-physical systems.

In short, IIoT is a subset of IoT that is focused on industrial applications, and both of these concepts are part of the broader trend towards Industry 4.0, which is transforming the way that manufacturing and other industries operate.


Big data and AI/ML play a crucial role in analyzing sensor data in IIoT systems. In industrial settings, sensors generate large amounts of data, which can be difficult to manage and analyze manually. Big data technologies, such as distributed computing and data analytics, are used to process and store large volumes of data generated by sensors in real-time.

AI/ML algorithms are then applied to this data to extract insights, identify patterns, and make predictions. For example, predictive maintenance is a common use case for AI/ML in IIoT systems. By analyzing sensor data from machines and equipment, AI/ML algorithms can predict when maintenance is required, allowing organizations to schedule maintenance proactively, rather than reactively. This can improve equipment uptime, reduce maintenance costs, and extend the lifespan of equipment.

In addition to predictive maintenance, AI/ML can be used for a wide range of other applications in IIoT systems, such as quality control, supply chain optimization, and energy management. By combining sensor data with AI/ML algorithms, organizations can gain deeper insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their processes.


Illustrated below is how we plan to collaborate with Arduino and Bosch Sensortec to embed sensors and other electronic boards for our e-mobility solutions, smart city services and process automation.


Our intention is to instill what we call Actionable Intelligence into our solutions, products and services by embedding smart electronics so that the modes of operations are correct and safe.

We will follow an MVP cadence related to building our products to include smart monitoring capabilities into our products:

  • Starting with embedding them in our folding helmets that will have multipurpose use cases for recreational, well-being, industrial and military purposes,
  • In our E-mobility solutions – scooters, ebikes and larger format transit vehicles and mobile homes, and eventually drones and EVOLs.
  • In our digital twin representation of smart cities to enable future planning, infrastructure rebuilds and transportation networks in conjunction with goals for green and sustainability.
  • As part of our Digital Twine reference architecture for process automation in Industry 4.0 settings and beyond.


This article discusses the importance of sensors in the context of Industry 4.0 and how they play a critical role in enabling the themes of connect, detect, and protect.

Connect refers to the ability to connect devices, sensors, and other equipment to a network, allowing them to communicate and share data. Detect refers to the ability to monitor and analyze data from sensors, and to identify patterns or anomalies that can provide valuable insights into operational performance or potential problems. Protect refers to the ability to implement security measures to safeguard data and equipment.

The article also highlights the importance of data engineering in the progression towards Industry 4.0. With the increasing volume of data generated by sensors, it is becoming increasingly important to effectively manage and analyze this data. Data engineering involves the use of technologies such as big data, AI, and machine learning to process and analyze large volumes of data in real-time, and to extract valuable insights that can drive operational efficiencies and inform business decisions.

Overall, the article emphasizes the critical role of sensors in enabling the themes of connect, detect, and protect, and the importance of data engineering in the progression towards Industry 4.0.

NITIN UCHIL Founder, CEO & Technical Evangelist


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